Saturday, August 15, 2009

A BAD DAY FOR SORRY by Sophie Littlefield (Minotaur)

Stella Hardesty has something of a split personality: By day she runs a sewing/sewing machine repair shop and by night she tracks down abusive husbands and boyfriends and teaches them a lesson. She knows firsthand there is little recourse for abused women other than moving to a shelter. Stella wants more for them—much more. She wants them to have respect and upkeep. Her most recent client, Chrissy, simply wants help with her piece-of-trash husband. Roy Deen shouldn't be much of a problem, but then he disappears with Chrissy's two-year-old son. Very quickly, things turn ugly. Stella is sure she's in over her head, but it's too late to find a boat.

I don't usually like to be in the head of people outside the law—and Stella is definitely outside the law, but Stella is right: Somebody has to do something to help these women. You, too, will find yourself saying under your breath, "You go, Stella!"

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