Tuesday, January 24, 2006

HUNG OUT TO DIE by Sharon Short (Avon)

If you've ever had trouble keeping up with characters in a book, you'll know how Josie Toadfern felt when she met all of her father's family at a Thanksgiving reunion. Josie's dad left home when she was two, so naturally her mom didn't feel obligated to introduce his relatives. Deciding to let bygones be bygones, Josie accepted an invitation to the family dinner, but little did she realize she'd have to solve a murder. Short's fans, however, won't be at all surprised, because Josie has become nearly as adept at finding out who dunnit as she is at getting out stains at her laundry. Complicated family situations, personal problems, and old secrets provide just about all Josie can deal with at this holiday occasion. Enjoy the read.

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